Microsoft Office Hints and Tips

For any information worker and many office workers, Microsoft Office applications dominate our working lives. This section of the knowledgebase collects a few things that I’ve found useful for making the applications a little more tollerable and useful day-to-day.

Microsoft Office articles

📖 Kb | 📎 Microsoft, Software | 🔖 Microsoft, Office, OneNote, Windows Store, UWP

OneNote Missing Features

Microsoft have announced the deprecation of the desktop version of OneNote. They claim that the Windows Store version is as good or better. But it really isn’t! Here I try to list the missing features. I will update this post as things change.

📖 Kb | 📎 Microsoft, Office 365, Software | 🔖 Microsoft, Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Office 365 Autosave

I am sure that whoever in Microsoft came up with the idea of an autosave flag, they thought it was a great idea. And indeed it is. However, when they made it default to on, they made a logistical nightmare for the majority of users. This post discusses why and what you could do about it.

📖 Kb | 📎 Development, Microsoft, Software | 🔖 Microsoft, Office, Outlook, VBA

Macro to open a web URL from Outlook

Many of us spend most of our work time in a few applications such as Outlook (email) and a web browser. This example macro for Microsoft Outlook will let you add a button to the Outlook Ribbon that will open a specific website URL.